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Mai mult decat CSR...C.ine.S.a.R.e?

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De cand eram eu mic, Romania tot sare! Si sare, sare, sare. Peste tot Romania sare. Cel putin asa se pare.

Asa ca m-am decis sa scriu un articol despre oamenii care sar. Cine sare si cine nu sare in Romania?

Poate credeti ca acesta este un articul despre sarituri, dar va inselati.

Acesta este un articul despre cat de saritori sunt romanii cand vine vorba de problemele celorlalti.

De cateva luni bune, am ocazia sa sar alaturi de ASER pentru studenti si sa cunosc conceptul de CSR in profunzime, de la proiecte de responsabilitate sociala, pana la persoanele din companii care se ocupa de ele.

Ce inseamna CSR pana la urma? In termeni generali este vorba despre Responsabilitatea Sociala a Corporatiilor (Corporate Social Responsibility). Este o modalitate prin care companiile responsabile incearca sa ajute comunitatile in care isi desfasoara activitatea, asa cum pot si cum considera ele ca este mai bine. Unele construiesc parcuri, altele case, altele planteaza copaci, o mare parte din ele ajuta persoanele defavorizate, dar cele mai multe investesc in educatie, domeniu pe care se axeaza in cea mai mare parte a sa activitatea ASER. Am folosit termenul de investitie pentru ca intradevar, chiar daca sunt niste actiuni pro-bono, care nu aduc beneficii decat companiei, sub forma capitalului de imagine castigat si oamenilor care beneficiaza in mod direct de ele, aceste actiuni isi vor face simtite efectele la nivel macro in viitor, cand, sa speram, oamenii vor fi mai responsabili, tinerii mai bine informati si mai educati, aerul mai curat, saracia mai putina si lumea in general mai buna. Gasiti mai multe informatii despre ce inseamna CSR, care sunt companiile care au facut proiecte de CSR in romania si ce proiecte au facut ele pe site-ul http://www.responsabilitatesociala.ro/.

Dar dincolo de toate speculatiile legate de interesele companiilor de a-si imbunatati imaginea prin astfel de actiuni, stau oamenii. Oamenii din companii care au inteles ce inseamna responsabilitatea si care incearca sa ajute alti oameni. In spatele tuturor lucrurilor frumoase care se intampla cu sprijinul companiilor si in spatele tuturor afiselor pe care sta la loc de cinste, la rubrica "parteneri", sigla companiilor, se afla oamenii din acele companii care merita tot respectul, pentru interesul acordat acestor proiecte si pentru responsabilitatea si implicarea de care dau dovada.

Pentru ca tot am inceput cu sariturile, o sa sar si eu un pic la alta idee. Multa lume ma intreaba ce rank am la acest blog, cate accesari am pe zi, cati cititori am; ar mai lipsi sa ma intrebe daca am un fan club. O sa sune putin egoist, dar scopul pentru care scriu pe acest blog este ca in viitor sa imi amintesc cu placere de toate experientele si lucrurile frumoase sau mai putin frumoase pe care le traiesc in prezent si din care am ceva de invatat. Daca de lucrurile frumoase despre care scriu eu se mai bucura si alti oameni, acest fapt nu face decat sa ma bucure si mai mult pe mine.

O sa va povestesc si voua cateva lucruri pe care le-am trait zilele trecute ca sa va bucurati sau sa va ingriorati si voi alaturi de mine. Bucurestiul este un loc mirific, pe care il iubesc la nebunie, cu toate partile lui rele si bune. De ce? Pentru ca mereu se intampla cate ceva si pentru ca intalnesti tot felul de oameni.

Piata Romana este un fel de Triunghi al Bermudelor din Bucuresti. De ce? Pentru ca Piata Romana este zona in care foarte multi oameni cad din picioare. Cred ca nu este saptamana in care sa nu vad un om cazut la pamant in aceasta zona. Scriam intr-o postare anterioara despre un om care murise sub un panou electoral cu un nene "zambaret" si foarte "saritor" sau mai degraba "saltaret" si el. Ei bine, atunci foarte multi oameni care treceau pe langa el nu s-au deranjat sa sune la salvare sau sa incerce sa afle ce s-a intamplat cu el. Asa suntem noi romanii, punem etichete si ne temem de responsabilitate ca de bau bau. Voua va este frica sa vedeti daca un om cazut la pamant mai traieste, chiar si daca are o sticla de alcool langa el? Oricat de iresponsabil ar fi un om in legatura cu viata lui, noi, ceilalti ar trebui sa fim responsabili, sa nu punem etichete si sa ne preocupam si de soarta celorlalti, pentru ca astfel putem salva o viata, lucru care mi se pare cel mai frumos pe lumea asta. Un singur om a sunat la salvare si a ramas langa el pana cand a venit salvarea. Nu il cunosc, dar ii ofer toata aprecierea mea. Zilele trecute in statia de autobuz din rond, de la Romana, a mai cazut un om si la fel o singura persoana s-a gandit sa sune la salvare. La o zi dupa aceasta intamplare, tot in Piata Romana, a mai cazut un om, la coloane, fix in fata farmaciei a carui nume nu o sa il mentionez, pentru ca nu merita, din moment ce farmacie fiind nu s-a deranjat nimeni sa vada ce a patit acel om si nici nu a sunat nimeni la salvare. Stiti si voi ce trafic intens este pe la coloane. Ei bine toti oamenii il ocoleau si treceau indiferenti mai departe, evitand mai degraba sa il atinga, altfel, foarte posibil, l-ar fi calcat in picioare. Am scos telefonul si am format 112, l-am pus la ureche si asteptam sa imi raspunda operatoarea. Fac cativa pasi si aud cum un batranel care se tinea de brat cu a lui sotie, ii spunea foarte impacientat cuiva la telefon ca este un om cazut la piata romana, la coloane si ca nu stie ce este cu el si ca sa vina mai repede un echipaj. Mi s-a umplut inima de bucurie cand am vazut ca cineva s-a gandit totusi sa sune, dar m-am intristat in acelasi timp pentru ca era un batranel, care peste cativa ani nu o sa mai fie si odata cu el vor disparea multi oameni responsabili din aceeaasi generatie. De aceea generatia tanara este datoare sa invete sa fie responsabila si cum poate invata mai bine decat de la ceilalti.

Puterea exemplului personal poate schimba atitudini. De aceea cred cu tarie ca responsabilitatea sociala poate fi invatata si companiile, prin proiectele lor de CSR, alaturi de voluntarii organizatiilor nonguvernamentale care au inteles deja ce inseamna responsabilitatea, ii invata si pe ceilalti oameni sa fie responsabili. Facand bine primesti bine si determini oamenii sa faca si mai mult bine. Binele este transmisibil si multiplicativ. Este parerea mea sincera. Uneori printr-un gest minor, printr-o atitudine, prin simpla ta prezenta undeva poti schimba viata cuiva sau poti produce chiar o schimbare la nivel macro. Pentru ca daca un om sare si toti oamenii sar impreuna cu el, pot misca Pamantul din loc. Cel mai bun exemplu este reclama care mie mi-a placut cel mai mult din cate am vazut pana acum, ca si concept si care la momentul respectiv chiar m-a determinat sa ma gandesc serios la o cariera in publicitate. Este vorba despre urmatorul spot publicitar (aceasta afisare a spotului nu are scop publicitar ci este strict o apreciere la adresa realizatorilor pentru idea transmisa si pentru concept).

Am invatat ca pentru a schimba lumea nu ai nevoie decat de vointa. Nu toata lumea poate sa sara, dar oricine poate avea voninta de a fi saritor. Cel mai bun exemplu de vointa este Nick Vujicic pe care il veti vedea in filmuletul urmator pe care l-am primit si eu pe mail acum cateva saptamani de la Valentina Toi. Ce m-a impresionat cel mai tare este ca am vazut un tip exact la fel ca el (cu ambele picioarele amputate mai sus de solduri), tot in Piata Romana (cum altfel?) care a coborat de unul singur din autobuz (133) si care fara niciun ajutor se deplasa pe un skateboard si o facea chiar foarte bine. Am avut un moment de slabiciune atunci. Mi-as fi dorit tare mult sa il cunosc, dar nu as fi stiut ce sa ii spun daca as fi intrat in vorba cu el pentru ca nu voiam sa isi faca o impresie gresita despre mine si trebuie sa recunosc, spre rusinea mea, ca m-am gandit si la ce vor spune oamenii despre mine daca intru in vorba cu el ("ma iau de viata lui"), din postura unui necunoscut. Daca voi avea ocazia sa il mai reintalnesc, cu siguranta voi vorbi cu el, pentru ca la fel ca Nick este un simbol de vointa. Si acum iata si filmuletul cu Nick:

Ca o concluzie a acestui articol as vrea sa va reamintesc ca sta in puterea noastra, a fiecaruia dintre noi sa schimbam cate putin lumea, ca voluntarii si companiile responsabile deja o fac si ca este timpul ca toata lumea sa invete sa fie mai responsabila. Marile corporatii au deja departamente si programe de CSR. Haideti ca fiecare, "pe persoana fizica" (registered quote, se stie de catre cine) sa ne facem, intr-un coltisor al inimii noastre, cate un departament de CSR care in loc de Corporate Social Responsability sa se numeasca Community Social Responsability si care sa ne faca sa fim mai buni si mai responsabili unii fata de ceilalti!

C.ine.S.a.R.e acum cu mine?


Eu si restul de 1%

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Am facut ieri un test de personalitate online. Rezultatul este destul de aproape de adevar din moment ce am raspuns forte sincer la toate intrebarile. Doar 60.000.000 de oameni, adica 1% din populatia globului, mai sunt la fel ca mine. Care va sa zica, nu sunt eu singurul visator.

Report for: Mihai Gherghe
According to the Personality Type Questionnaire you completed, the 'Type' that best describes your preferred style is:

INFJ http://www.spectrumx.co.uk/newlife/type/Reports/INFJ.asp

The nickname for this Type is "Developer" or "Author" and it is shared by approximately 1% of the population. Thus, 99% of those you meet perceive the world around them differently from the way you do.

Your Personality Type
If someone were to describe you well, they could easily use the following adjectives: imaginative, motivated, persistent, purposeful and creative.
You are a person who’s energy is drawn inward into a rich inner life of thoughts and feelings. You are also periodically stubborn, is easily bored by routine work and pays little attention to obstacles. If this sounds like you, you must be an INFJ. As a Judicious type, you make decisions easily and your friends and associates tend to perceive you as a self-confident and individualistic thinker. You draw your thoughts and inspiration about from within, from your "inner eye" - in other words, from your Intuition.
More than any other Type, you live in a world of ideas, an array of concepts and associations so unique to you that most people around you will not fully comprehend your vision. But remember, a number of the greatest inventors and thinkers in history have had the same kind of trust in their own ideas as you do and have persevered against all odds.
If your Introversion is strong, communicating with others may not be easy and you may also struggle occasionally with how to explain that vision to others, becoming frustrated at difficulties you may have articulating the significance of your thoughts. Your tendency is to continually seek the privacy, solitude and peace you need to form your thoughts and work out solutions to knotty problems. But even the best ideas are become lost in the fray unless they are promoted, advocated and marketed. Continually improving your verbal communication skills will be important if you are going to make your mark on the world. On the other hand, persuasive writing could come quite naturally to you and be an important asset for reaching people and clearly communicating your vision. You, better than any other personality style, can eloquently express emotion and thoughts with a pen, moving people with your words.
You focus on what is possible and the opportunities that lie ahead. But you also have the knack of being able to develop the plans that will bring your ideas into reality. Once the plan is in place, you then pour all of your energies into achieving your vision, remaining undaunted about the obstacles. In other words, obstacles and other’s expectations mean less to you than the intense personal standards you set for yourself. As others who have written about your Type have said, your motto is: "The difficult I do immediately; the impossible takes me a little longer." The challenge you and other INFJs have is to keep those visions coming while remaining grounded and dedicated to your goals. As mundane as it is, an occasional reality check into the solid facts of the present day is a good idea.
Your well-developed sense of Judiciousness helps you to eye your own work objectively, see problems before they arise and decide in advance what to do in case of difficulties. Governing your creative inner world of thoughts, ideas and insights is Intuition - your strongest preference. Taken together, Intuition and Feeling mould the idealist and truth-seeker, one whose main quest in life lies within and is directed toward achieving acceptance, personal peace and integration. Living a life without pretence or facade and being accepted for who you really are is important to you. Genuineness and sincerity are what matter to you.
For Intuiting-Feeling types such as yourself, having solid, dependable and meaningful relationships are vital. To have a deep and abiding connection with another person, combined with a profound mutual understanding of each other’s true self, is what you seek in relationships. You choose your relationships carefully and do not take a cavalier attitude toward them. Once you open up, however, it is easy for your to pour yourself into relationships, practising patience, understanding, devotion and sensitivity. If these sentiments are not returned, however, you may feel vulnerable and less trusting.
Since the depth and longevity of relationships is more important to you than having a vast number of friends and acquaintances, you will tend to invest your time and energy into only a small number of people. Contact over the years may ebb and flow, but when a friend is in need, you are a friend indeed and will be there to help no matter what the day or year. Your friendships tend to be quiet, yet intense, which your Extraverting friends may find incomprehensible. This pattern is typical among Introverts, and particularly those Introverts like yourself who value Feeling over cold objective logical Thinking.
If there is one word that captures your view of life it is meaningful: having meaningful relationships, meaningful work, a meaningful you, and having a meaningful impact on the rest of the world. With this emphasis on deeply understanding yourself and others, you can easily ascertain the unconscious motivations of people. This talent can be quite valuable if you select a career in counselling, mentoring or any occupation that involves developing people's potential.
Everything you undertake is done with an all-embracing perception of time and history. You respect the past and tradition, experience the moment and look toward the future - at times, all three at once. Yours is the personality of the visionary.
You trust your Intuition and are not afraid to act on gut level instincts. Somehow, you are able to perceive the good and evil in life, and your ability to make value judgements on the basis of intangible data baffles other Personality Types. Tracing your inspirations and thoughts about people and situations through a well-define sequence of events is nearly impossible for you. But you have learned through experience to trust your insights and judgements. Others without your talent would be wise to give credence to your observations and conclusions.
In addition to your other abilities, being creative is also a talent you possess. But sometimes your creativity can turn into perfectionism instead of excellence. You tend to see yourself as an extension of what you do. As a result, you are driven to do your best in all situations. But your satisfaction with outcomes can be elusive at times when you do not want to release results until they are flawless and perfect. While perhaps attainable in your mind, this level of perfectionism could be hindering you more than helping you.
Although you cherish the companionship of people, they can sometimes be exhausting and draining when you are engrossed in a task at hand. When focused and deeply concentrating, the ringing of the phone is startling and disruptive while people interruptions mean you could completely lose your train of thought. For you to work at your highest levels of productivity, a quite working environment is preferred and you may find that working alone is optimal.
To perform at your peak, you require a harmonious working environment. You endeavour to promote peace and co-operation around you. Despite being rather independent yourself, you value being appreciated and believe acknowledgement and appreciation of others can go a long way. As a result, you are liberal, and always sincere, in your compliments and recognition of others. Any environment that lacks this attention to appreciation eventually takes its toll on you. When continual criticism and hostility are present, you become truly miserable. If the environment does not change, you may find yourself depressed, lacking confidence and enthusiasm, and physically suffering from stress.
During those times when a project requires long working hours without a break, you can often outlast even your most tenacious co-workers, mustering the patience and tenacity needed to finish the job. To keep you going, you are able to provide an intense level of self-satisfaction and respect for your work because you never lose sight of the ideas and big picture behind the tasks.
No matter which type of career you choose, it is vital to remember to stop for a moment and pay close attention to your personal needs. More than other Personality Types, it is easy for you to get so caught up in your thoughts and your work that you forget to take care of yourself. So nurture and nourish yourself. Protect yourself from avoidable stress so that the source of your creativity can flourish.

Contributions to an Organisation
Each of the sixteen personality types has their own styles, strengths and blind spots. The following items are the more obvious skills and talents you bring to an organisation, group or relationship. These are your strengths. Strengths often can turn into weaknesses if over-used and over-relied upon. But used well, these strengths and talents can contribute to your success in career and relationships.
Is quietly forceful, personable and genuinely concerned for others.
Likes tackling complex issues involving people and material.
Enjoys working, talking and sharing with individuals and small groups.
Maintains very precise internal organisation, where every thought, idea and project fits into place before acting.
Focuses on building harmony and works toward the common good of all.
Can easily make decisions with logic and impersonal analysis.
Sees possibilities and relationships missed by most.
Generates innovative solutions to complex problems.
Brings quiet resolve, creativity and a future orientation to an organisation.
Is soft spoken yet persistent in the manifestation of his/her insights.
Works diligently and easily becomes totally absorbed in projects.
Trusts and pursues his/her own unique and creative inner visions, even if it means taking risks.
Has single-minded concentration and, once committed, follows through.
May have external organisation that is haphazard and some areas of his/her life may look jumbled.
Is highly intuitive, delivering accurate insights about future opportunities.
Operates with and seeks integrity and harmony.
Creates time for reflection and introspection.
Finds change to be disturbing without a lot of advance warning.
Can be fiercely loyal to individuals and an organisation.

Your Leadership Style
Each personality type has its own leadership style, strengths and blind spots. The following highlights your approach to leadership, provides clues as to how you will act in a leader role, and pinpoints some of your leadership qualities.
Becomes an advocate for others and their talents when leading.
Inspires others to follow through his/her enthusiasm and faith.
Can become a champion for ideas and causes.
Is quietly persistent and resolute on a long-range course of action.
Focuses on being caring and ethical.
Places intense attention on bringing his/her inspirations into reality.
Prefers planning in advance and covering all contingencies to avoid crises.
Is willing to be a pioneer, venturing forth into uncharted territories.
Expects and counts on people to carry out their part of the plan.
Courageously challenges confirmed experts or popularly accepted beliefs.
Values participation, co-operation and determination.
Facilitates actions and activities between people even if not directly leading.
Respects authority that is granted through time and dedication, not title.
Expects loyalty and support.

Your Communication Style
Effective communication is composed of two elements: how well you listen, and how you express yourself. Good communication skills are at the heart of success. Being aware of how we communicate, how others communicate and how we prefer others to communicate with us, is a significant step in achieving this objective. Your personality style has its own communication strategies that are more effective for you than other’s communication styles.
Contains energy and excitement inside self.
Prefers to think before replying and needs to be drawn out.
Prefers written reports over talking in person.
Prefers language that is global and metaphoric, instead of precise and plain.
Contributes a wealth of knowledge.
Likes insights and unusual approaches.
Begins communicating by stating areas of accord.
Offers presentations that progress in a roundabout fashion.
Likes addressing schedules and deadlines.
Is persuaded by emotionally presented, personal material.
Communicates personal experiences to make points.
Sees the big picture and presents that first.
Speaks of missions and objectives, focusing on results and accomplishments.
Likes to discuss future challenges.

Problem Solving Style
Different people solve problems in different ways. Based on your personality type, you will probably use the following methods and skills in problem solving:
Is comfortable with complicated situations.
Perceives the abstract relationships between subjects first, then fits all the pieces together.
Maps out the solution and its implementation step-by-step.
Asks if the current problem is similar to a previous event.
Looks to achieve significant and provocative results.
Determines what the current and future implications of the problem are.
Wants to know what all the possibilities and alternative solutions are to a problem.
Wants to know if a solution is good for people and how they will react.
Gathers the people who are committed to the follow-through.
Looks first at the big picture, then contemplates people. Next applies logic and finally turns to the facts.

Stress Profile
Stress plays a significant factor in our abilities to be effective at work and have healthy sustainable relationships. The greater the stress, the harder it becomes to maintain quality work and quality relationships. Each personality type has strengths and blind spots. Under stress, blind spots emerge and people rely on their least favourite functions to operate. Below are a few clues as to how stress affects your particular personality type (Note: you and one other type have matching patterns in manifesting and managing stress, so you may find someone with an almost identical profile).
Having to work with many unfamiliar details where they may feel incompetent.
Feeling overcome by volumes of new data and being unable to understand or process it all.
The sudden and unanticipated interruption of planned activities.
Excessive interactions with others over an extended period without enough time to recharge.
Starts to lose their global perspective and ability to see the big picture, becoming short-sighted and locked in tunnel vision.
Becomes obsessed and overwhelmed by facts, data, details and minutia, making factual errors and mistakes.
May experience mental fatigue and an inability to think clearly.
Tries to control everything in the immediate environment, becoming intense and driven.
Grows restless, frustrated and self-critical.
Desires to be left alone, becoming intolerant of other’s intrusions.
Finds it difficult to communicate with people, having little energy to do so.
Turns worried and alarmed about the present.
Constantly expects obstacles and problems to plague them.
Overindulges in sensual pleasures, often overeating, exercising or sleeping, binge shopping, and marathon sessions with the TV or pulp fiction.
May also obsessively clean the house, rearrange furniture, or organise records, cabinets or closets.

Gaining Equilibrium
Being listened to without advice, insights or judgement being offered.
Realising they are hurting or distressing others.
Exercising, reading, walking in nature, seeing a movie, or low-pressure gardening, hobby or craft.
Being in peaceful, quiet natural surroundings, and getting a good night’s sleep.
Cancelling activities and paring down their schedule, carving out time for solitude.
Lightening up and appreciating their less serious side.
Gentle humour.
Adapting better to change.
Retooling ambitious visions into manageable and do-able chunks.
Creating more satisfying sensual experiences.

People are usually most effective when their environment matches their preferences and work style. When a good match is not present, it will be more difficult to achieve results. Below are some of your work preferences and key characteristics that you look for in work, or that you try to avoid. These key characteristics also indicate how you would typically like to be managed or related to. If you find these comments of value, it might be very worthwhile to share and discuss this section with your manager.
Prefers one-to-one or small group relationships; wants to like who he/she works with and be liked.
Prefers the freedom to express and carry out his/her ideas, preferably one at a time.
Requires lots of opportunities to be creative and innovative.
Functions best with predictable work and quiet environments where he/she can complete tasks.
Appreciates positive feedback, praise and approval for his/her unique contributions.
Prefers meaningful work and significant goals; rejects mundane tasks and artificial interpersonal relationships.
Is comfortable with change.
Seeks opportunities to learn and grow.
Looks for opportunities to solve people or organisational problems.
Wants caring and harmonious surroundings.

On a Team
Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given your personality preferences, the following are the strengths and possible blind spots you will most likely bring to a team:
Encourages harmony and gets everyone to contribute.
Brings enthusiasm and forward thinking to a project.
Provides big picture overviews and in-depth synopsis.
Inspires others by being positive and maintaining a "can-do" attitude.
Masterfully synthesises people, resources, goals and visions.
Brings creative and clear-sighted perceptions and visions to the table.
Brings a global perspective to the team.
Is irritated by team members who show little caring for others.
Irritates others by stubbornly clinging to an idea.
Is irritated by those who fail to contribute.
Is annoyed by pessimistic members.
Frustrates team members by hesitating to give uncomfortable feedback.
Is frustrated by team members who give irrelevant information, advice or who cannot stick to the issues.

Learning Style
For many years it has been known that different personality types have different ways of learning. Knowing how a person learns is a big advantage for structuring on-the-job training or classroom instruction. Once again, you may find this section valuable to share with your manager. Your learning style is as follows:
Values life-long learning.
Likes learning by interacting with others or through reading and writing.
Prefers tools and materials that are organised.
Enjoys future-oriented concepts, theories, abstractions and ideas.
Likes broad challenges and problem solving, but not the finer details.
Does best learning from instructors he/she admires and who take a personal interest in him/her.
Avoids dictatorial educational settings, as well as black and white thinking.

Opportunities for Growth
As we have said before, each person has his or her strengths and blind spots. Sometimes strengths are over-used and become blind spots. We tend to simply ignore other modes of being as we rely on our favourite preferences. When our strengths are over used, they can become our only tools, possibly becoming irritants to others, or blocking out other possibilities and choices that we may have when responding to situations. As we grow and mature, it is important to pull back from our favourite ways of doing things and build skills in the areas of our least favourite preferences. We thereby become a more balanced and versatile individual. The following suggestions address some of your more obvious blind spots and are areas to pay attention to if they have been ignored up to this point:
Practice being more objective, realistic and open to current facts - you get so caught up in your ideas and visions that you have a tendency to get lost.
Learn when to cut your losses if your visions do not pan out.
Practice speaking up about your ideas; be more assertive.
Try not to take criticism or conflict too personally.
Learn to become more politically savvy and to handle conflict more openly.
Focus on communicating more and giving constructive feedback.
Practice not becoming obsessive with details or tasks that are not relevant to the situation - learn which details are important and which are not.
Remember to pay attention to your own needs; try not to focus so much on others' needs or devote your total being to a cause or you may eventually resent it.
Practice oral communication and public speaking skills so that you can express your ideas more clearly in meetings and during presentations.
